A list of all the files on the CD will appear. You should now have a flashing D:\ prompt. Type “ d:” (without the quotes) and press Enter.If it doesn’t, your CD drive may be a different letter than D:\, or you made a mistake somewhere above. The program will load, initialize the CD drive and give you a C:\ prompt. From your Desktop, double-click the DOSBox icon.Installing Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail! with DOSBox DOSBox will now save all installed games into C:\dosgames.From the File menu, select New > Folder.In Windows Explorer, maneuver your way to C:\.If yours is something else, use that letter instead. “D” refers to the drive letter of your CD drive. # Lines in this section will be run at startup.

Scroll down to the section near the very end of the file.Scroll down to the section and change Memsize from 16 to 64:.Uncheck the "Always use the selected program." box below.Highlight "Select a program from a list of installed programs." Click “Okay.”.Confirm all changes with Vista until done. In Users, select “Edit.” Check every "Allow" box except Special Permissions.In Properties, select the Security tab.Open the folder C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.72.(But before you get too deeply into this, check out the DOSbox installer programs in the following section.) Thanks to Greg Krasovec, here’s a step-by-step guide to enjoy LSL-7 on a Vista widescreen machine. Playing 10 to 20-year-old computer games is a challenge with today’s modern computers, but DOSbox 0.72 has made great strides in solving the issues. Not all the Setup and Install programs were smart enough to run just anywhere.Īlso check out my Copy Protection page for more suggestions, patches, and fixes.Īnd be sure to check The Sierra Help Pages. General Advice: Let the game install itelf into the location it wants. At the bottom, there is help for The Black Cauldron. If you need help with Torin's Passage, visit the Torin's Troubleshooting page. If you need help with Freddy Pharkas, Frontier Pharmacist, visit the Freddy Troubleshooting page. This page is nearly all about getting Leisure Suit Larry to operate properly. NOTE: Since I haven't installed and tested most of these, I can't personally vouch for any of them, so proceed with caution. this page is here for you to share techniques you've found to make the old games run on today's computers. Now, Vivendi Games' tech desk will just laugh at you if you need help with anything before Magna Cum Laude. Once upon a time you could have phoned Sierra's technical support staff if you had trouble with a game.