
Savetweet vid
Savetweet vid

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He builds apps in his spare time as side projects, and has previously open-sourced other bots like which lets you set reminders by tweets, and TwitterThrowback, which is like Twitter’s version of Facebook’s “On This Day” feature. Today, Shalvah works full-time as a remote software engineer for an engineering consultancy and product design company in South Africa called Deimos Cloud.

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He went to university and then quit, and began working in the tech industry. Since then, Shalvah moved from C++ to Android development, then web development. That was how I started writing C++,” he says. I watched those at home that day and went back the next day to buy the actual software (the IDE). I’d won a laptop in a competition a few months back, so the next day, I walked into the only computer shop I knew and asked them for ‘Programming videos.’ They gave me something on C++. “I watched a command-line quiz application he’d made, and I was impressed. “I had no idea what it was then,” he continues. “There was a kid in a lower class that people talked about in awe - ‘he knows programming!,'” explains Shalvah. Shalvah says he got into development back in 2013, during his final year of secondary school (high school).

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The idea for comes from Shalvah Adebayo, a backend developer born and raised in Nigeria, and currently living in Lagos. The handy bot (aka DownloadThisVideo) offers a way to download both videos and GIFs from Twitter’s site for easier offline viewing. You may recall seeing requests to the Thread Reader app bot to “unroll” a long thread into readable copy, for example, and in more recent days you may have spotted Twitter users tagging a newer bot, on tweets with a video file attached. Not all the bots on Twitter are spammers or democracy hackers.

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